Who Can Be A Foster Parent?

Mature adults, happy in their own home life who can provide foster children with love, security, and understanding. To be successful as a foster parent(s) you must go into it with your eyes wide open, understanding that the child may return home. This is not adoption but it can be part of the permanency plan. Children can be placed in the home for a short or long period of time. You must be willing to open your doors as well as your heart to children with who may have experienced traumatic events.

You must be 21 years of age or older and a responsible mature individual. Have a desire to help children, income sufficient to support your household, pass an extensive criminal background check, and attend mandatory training.

Before a child is placed the Social Worker will get to know him or her as much as possible, studying both behavior and personality. The Social Worker will be aware of the available foster homes, and with the needs of the child and the qualities of these homes in mind, can make the arrangements leading to placement.